Monday, May 11, 2009

Expanding the Cognitive to Motivate the Psycho Motor

Articles: Does Rewarding Children Backfire?
Physical Activity and Intrinsic Motivation
Self-determination theory

After reading these articles and learning how to make games using Power Point, Microsoft Word, and Excel, I realized how important improving our students knowledge of a game or skill is in relation to the motivation to be active. It is a growing trend that our youth is being coming more and more less active. In Physical Activity and Intrinsic Motivation it goes in to a study that found in many cases the reason students aren't being as active is because of the lack of motivation. They further found that this lack of motivation could be linked to students lacking the knowledge of the skill or game which acted as an inhibitor. I found these article to be connected to making my games because through using these cognitive games to elevate our students knowledge, in turn it will elevate their motivation to play the games they are learning about. Now that the students are competent in the rules and skills of the game, they are more likely be comfortable with the game, which will make them want to play the game and become more active.

The first two games I created were built using Microsoft Excel. One is a quick and easy question and answer game where excel tells you whether you have the answer correct or not and allows students to continue guessing until they get the right answer. The second game is basically Putting Bingo, where if you wanted to play you would down load the excel file and continue to hit shuffle followed by the print button to create as many different Bingo boards as you need for your class. After printing out the boards you would read off the questions to the students and if they find the answer on there board, they would put a chip over it as they follow the rules of bingo.
Excel Games
1st Game: Putting Q and A
2nd Game: Putting Bingo
-Putting Bingo Questions

The second two games I made were using Microsoft Word. One is a fun board game that you can print out and follow the simple instructions on the game on how to play. Before you start, make sure you print out or write down on index cards the questions and answers you would use to determine if you get to move you piece or not. The next game I made using word was a word scramble using key terms and cues related to putting. By following the key at the bottom of the page, students can decipher what the sequence of symbols really means.
Microsoft Word Games
1st Game: It's Time to Putt board game
-Board Game Questions
2nd Game: Putting Word Scramble

The Third two games I made were using Power Point. One is a cool question game where students must choose between four answers to get the question right and save the galaxy. The next game is a treasure hunt where students must correctly answer the question in order to receive and opportunity to guess where the treasure is on the grid. In order to play this game simply down load the power point file and change where the treasure is and begin asking your questions. This game works best if you split you students into groups to make it more competitive. You can use any questions, but there are putting questions that go along with it.
Power Point
1st Game: Learn to Putt to Save the Galaxy
2nd Game: May the Best Putter Find the Treasure
- Treasure Hunt Questions

During learning how and actually making these games I used the following sites:
PowerPoint Games

Microsoft Word Games

Microsoft Excel Games

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A. I watched videos and read the documents.

B. This web site is from Canada which is located just above the U.S. in North America. I know this because I traveled there when I was younger. I thought this piece was very interesting because it proved that increasing physical activity helps stimulates students minds, keeping them focused and on task. Through this the student did better in their other subjects. The PE teacher wasn’t involved because all of the activity being done took place in the class rooms, rather then in the gymnasium during PE. They went right from physical activity to learning class material, which they found had an increase in the student’s grades. Many of the students increase one reading level and many others became a lot more interested in the material they were learning. On top of all of the cognitive improvements, the students were also strengthening they bodies and becoming healthier then they were before. The out comes were related to the NYS PE standards because they emphasized creating a safe and healthy environment as well as engaged them in daily physical activity. At the same time it left out some of the standards in the fact that resource management and the affective domain were not addressed.


C. My Lesson Plan and Progression Sheet from Lab D

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Teaching the Golf Putt

For my lab D I had the task of teaching a golf putting lesson. I felt the lesson went pretty smoothly with just a few hick-ups. I started off the lesson a little short on time so I had to skip my instant activity and mover right into the lesson. From there I explained the cues on how to putt and had the students break into groups on the separate putting greens. After reminding the students to peer assess one another and give good feedback, I told them to begin putting and started to give my own feedback. Throughout the lesson I kept the students active as much as possible, which you can see in my time coding form. Also, to motivate the students to be on their best behavior, I set up WII Golf and told the students that which ever group was behaving and performing the best could switch over to the WII Golf. I found this to be very effective. As the end of class came a little early for the lesson, I aloud any students that had to go to class leave, while the rest finished the lesson. After watching the video I noticed it was a little rushed, but it had a lot to do with the short amount of time I was left to teach. I noticed because of rushing I wasn't able to further change up the task by dropping in cones on the putting greens and having the students putt around them. With more time I would have been able to incorporate this. I was able to verbally change up the task for some by asking to keep score with their partner or for another student who had an injured arm, I had her use a hockey stick and tennis ball to make it a little easier. Altogether I felt to students learned a lot and had a lot of fun.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AAHPERD Conference in Tampa 09'

A few weeks ago while attending an APEM (Association of Physical Education Majors) meeting, I was presented the idea of going to the National AAHPERD conference. At first, all I could think about was how much money it was going to cost and the amount of class I was going to miss. But after a lot of persuasion by some of my fellow PE majors, I decided to go for it. Boy was I not disappointed. From the second I arrived to the conference I was over whelmed by the amount of people, information, and ideas from all over the country. I found one of the hardest things while at the conference was simply just deciding what sessions to go to. From learning to Brazilian dance to learning how to engage urban youth, there was an endless variety of educational sessions to interest everyone. For 5 days a struggled to try and fit in ever session I was interested in and barely came close. On top of all the sessions going on every day, they held a monster exhibition in the middle of the conference consisting of well over a few hundred stands. These stands advertised everything from the newest equipment on the market to new technology and inventive ideas.
Being a some what quiet person, I have to say in the beginning of the conference I was a little hesitant to introduce my self to all of these new people from all of the country. But very shortly after watching many of the older PE majors socializing, I went from have no confidence to a PHD in introductions and networking. By the end of the trip I had met the President of AAHPERD, sat down and had a long conversation with the Eastern District President, and socialized with many other professors, administrators, and even my old PE teacher from high school. The amount of knowledge I acquired from these people was just as, if not more insightful then the sessions themselves.
The last part and probably the best part of this trip was the fact that I left Cortland for Tampa with one or two new friends and came back with close to 20 great friends. The amount of fun and time I spent with the group was priceless. For an educational trip it felt a lot more like an amazing vacation.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day Two of Shuttleball

On day two of Shuttleball we had the students start right into a variation of the game honor, which was played in the previous class. Then we got right into the second level of Shuttleball, which consisted of using the skills learned from the first class and using them in a partner or group situation.
I felt the class went very smoothly, besides a few trouble makes toward the end that had to be dealt with, I felt the students were very active and had a lot of fun. The only thing I noticed I missed was to establish a solid safety statement before going into the game. Although, I did announce one while they first started playing and kept on reminding them throughout the activity. Another problem I saw was that I took my eyes off the whole class while I was helping a student and one student began to kick balls all over the gym. I firmly said that was not acceptable and told him to sit down and come back when he felt he was ready. Besides the a few mistakes I believe the lesson went very well.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Teaching Honor and Shuttleball

For lab today I had to teach an instant activity called Honor, which was a lot of fun. Also I taught the begging skills to the game Shuttleball. After teaching I listened to my recorded MP3 and wrote up a transcript. Listening to the MP3 and writing the transcript really helped me to see my pros and cons. I noticed that at some points I would talk to fast and almost stumble over my words, so I have to remember to slow down and pronounce my words more clearly. Also I noticed I would repeat some of the same word over and over again like "alright" and "now". Being able to listen to myself after teaching and making a transcript really helps to improve my teaching abilities.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Distance Frisbee Throw

In class I taught how to perform the distance Frisbee throw while I was being recorded. After listening to the MP3 and making a transcript, I thought things went pretty smoothly, but there were a few things I picked up on that I would either change or add. The first thing was that I forgot to establish a solid safety statement. Since there was a lot of people and Frisbee's flying around, safety was a big issue. Also i noticed that at one point I referred to the class as "guys", which I could have used something more appropriate like everyone or everybody. Listening to myself teach and making a transcript really helped me to understand my cons and improve my teaching skills.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Teaching the Volleyball Set part 2

After my second attempt to teach the volleyball set, I went over the video and broke it down on a time coding form. This form really helped with my time management. I now know that I have to keep in mind the amount of time I spend instructing in order to keep the students active for longer. Although the time I taught for was short, I still have to watch how much time I spend managing and instructing because even in a short lesson its important to allow at least 50% of the time for activity.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Importance of Feedback

Feedback really is one of the most important and fundamental aspect of teaching PE. The first step to giving effective feedback is knowing the types of feedback and even more important, knowing your students. By knowing your students, you can evaluate which feedback is going to be most effective for each individual. The first and most common type of feedback is positive feedback. This type of feedback focuses only on the correct things the student is doing. Then there's neutral feedback, which is more of going over what their doing and reminding them of any cues or key focuses being taught. Last there's negative feedback, which leaves out any positives and consists of pointing out and correcting what the student is doing wrong. Depending on your student, all of these types can be effective and even more effective when combined.
In my first lesson I noticed that I didn't give any feedback, general or individual. After watching myself teach I can easily see how giving feedback can greatly increase the effectiveness of the lesson and I now will be sure to incorporate feedback in all my lessons.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Teaching the Volleyball Set

In my short lesson I noticed many things that I can learn from. One of the first things that I noticed was my volume. In the video I could barely hear what I was saying, so I now know I have to remember to project what it is I'm saying, so that it can be heard on the other side of the gymnasium. Another thing I noticed myself doing was saying uh and umm in between thoughts, which looks and sounds very unprofessional. Last I would go further in depth with my demonstration and even ask someone to come up and demonstrate with me to help the students get a better look on the skill at hand.

Monday, January 26, 2009

On the first day of EDU 255 we were asked to use one of five pieces of sports equipment to teach a particular skill in a five minute time period. As we taught our skill, we were video recorded so that later on we would be able to critique ourselves. Upon first watching the video, I noticed right away that I could barely hear what I was saying. If the camera could not pick up what i was saying only 15 or 20 feet away, then there's no way every student in a large gym would have been able to hear me ether. So I now know what I think might be loud and clear enough in a gym setting, really needs to increase in volume. Another way I noticed I can improve would be to go around while the students are practicing and give some positive feedback along with some constructive critiquing. This experience really gave me a better perspective on what I look like teaching in front of a class.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle

Activity should be a habit in your life not just a leisure event. It's important to keep your body moving, this will help keep you healthy and strong.